Thursday, April 23, 2009

4. Experimental results
The results of flowcytometry of each tube come below. The experiment was performed for five times. Hence it is expected to see the five series of sixteen results.
In each group of results two diagrams and one table are seen. Details of each result come below (Guide line of the flowcytometry machine).

-Upper diagram
FSC Forward Scatter: Cell size
SSC Side Scatter: Granularity

-Lower diagram
X scatter: Fluorescent intensity emitted is proportional to the quantity of binding sites for the fluorescent compound on the cell/particle. The unit is MESF which is Molecules of Equivalent Soluble Fluorochrome. In this experiment the geometric mean of fluorescent is measured.
Y scatter: Events count

Geometric mean of all events
Geometric mean of M1 region (1% of the events)
FL2-H: 585/42 nm, yellow-green colour
Mean: Average X-axis channel number of linear value for events in the quadrant
Geometric Mean: average of the logarithm of the X-axis channel number or linear value for events in the quadrant expressed anti-log.

Picture 4.1.1. Flowcytometry machine.
BD FCSCalibur two laser channel.

4.1. Diagrams and table from flowcytometry.
Results of flowcytometry for each sample come next.

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